Securing the internet of things

Mar 10, 2020

It is inevitable to ignore that the internet of things and their security go hand in hand. Watch Paul Fremantle share insights on the do’s and don’ts of securing the internet of things and making intuitive decisions.

With the increasing use of internet of things and machine to machine technology for a variety of purposes, it is safe to say that they are both growing areas. The first question to wonder about is: If your fitbit is hacked, should we even care? There have been a lot of mistakes that web developers have been making for the past 20 years in terms of security and the internet of things. In order to avoid those mistakes in the future, you should pick one of the countless best practices to implement on how to do internet security. You need to be intuitive and think differently.

As the internet of things and machine to machine continues to grow, one of the biggest concerns to consider are security and privacy issues. In this session, Paul Fremantle examines the security challenges that surround the usage of M2M devices with protocols such as MQTT and CoAP. Watch the video to take a look at the insights he has on encryption, federated identity and authorization models. In terms of encryption, you can watch the speaker examine securing MQTT with TLS, challenges with Arduino, and using hardware encryption for microcontrollers.
One of the most important requirements for a user-centric IoT use case is to give users the ability to control how their devices collect and share data. Watch this session for a live demonstration of Arduino and Eclipse Paho inter-operating secured by OAuth 2.0.

This video will show you how important it is for us as a generation to make sure that the next generation of IoT devices are secure.





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