Internet of Things Conference | 27. - 29. Juni | München oder Online

IoT and eSports – Learning for the industry in your spare time

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In the global lockdowns, a boom of sports opportunities with smart sports devices emerged. The digitisation of recreational sports opens up entirely new sources of high-quality data sets. The analytical methods for such data are the same as those used in the operation of production facilities and machines. The example of the Zwift racing bike platform vividly illustrates how quickly good data can lead to improvements, even in industry.

This Session originates from the archive of Diese Session stammt aus dem Archiv von MunichMünchen . Take me to the program of . Hier geht es zum aktuellen Programm von Munich München .

This Session Diese Session originates from the archive of stammt aus dem Archiv von MunichMünchen . Take me to the current program of . Hier geht es zum aktuellen Programm von Munich München .