Internet of Things Conference | 27. - 29. Juni | München oder Online

Power to the People: Free Energy in the Internet Age

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Dienstag, 18. Juni 2019
17:00 - 17:30
Cuvillies 1

Electricity generation and distribution has conceptually and practically stayed the same from the age of Edison and Tesla until now. Even renewable devices were, to a large extent, forced into the mold of large centralized power stations pumping electricity into the grid at one end, with kWh being charged to the consumer at the other. But the internet is quickly changing this. Platform businesses such as Amazon and Airbnb have defined a new way of doing business, and energy is next. We are looking at the future in which electricity will be free, and where utilities will be providing it as a service. As IoT and energy come together, we will increasingly see virtual power plants, as well as convergence between electricity users and generators. This revolution in the energy industry will leave a vastly different business and technological landscape. Following an engaging TED-talk format, COO of GreenCom Networks, Peter Muller Bruhl, will shine a light on how IoT, connectivity, platform business models and distributed generation will radically impact both energy businesses and energy users. We will look at how IoT technologies now hold the key to a more efficient, cheaper and greener energy system.

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