Internet of Things Conference | 27. - 29. Juni | München oder Online

Disrupting Traditional Aquaculture Farming through the eFishery Smart Farming IoT Ecosystem

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In this session, we will share our experience about the various tech that eFishery made to help enable growth of traditional fish farmers. We will also talk about the various development choices that we made, and also the steps and missteps that we have done along the way upon improving and further expanding our aquaculture IoT ecosystem. 

Fish feeding consumes 80% of the total production cost in fish farms. Our autofeeder helps reduce cost by disrupting the common fish feeding practice of manual spreading by hand, into a more precisely controlled spreading mechanism built within. We also developed a robust control interface with offline first in mind using android phones, and a seamless and expandible gateway through farmhub. Our farmhub also provides options to connect other sensors and actuators such as our fish sensor and shrimp paddle gear extension.

This Session originates from the archive of Diese Session stammt aus dem Archiv von MunichMünchen . Take me to the program of . Hier geht es zum aktuellen Programm von Munich München .

This Session Diese Session originates from the archive of stammt aus dem Archiv von MunichMünchen . Take me to the current program of . Hier geht es zum aktuellen Programm von Munich München .