
IoT Conference | Build. Create. Connect … Things!
Internet of Things Conference | 21. - 23. June 2021, Munich


With the STM32 into the Internet of Things

The STM32 is a true classic: the microcontroller is widely used, inexpensive and ideal for getting started with the Internet of Things. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started: We want to equip the STM32 Nucleo board with Ethernet. Along the way, you'll get plenty of practical tips on what to consider when programming a web server on a microcontroller.

Programming microcontrollers with Rust

The Rust programming language is becoming increasingly interesting, even in the field of embedded systems. This article is a short introduction to Rust and why it is suitable for programming microcontrollers. It also presents a short Rust program that can be run on a microcontroller.

Arduino to PHP

Running PHP directly on a microcontroller, even today, is reserved for hard-to-handle combinational systems like STMicroelectronics' ATM32MP1 - it can host a PHP installation on its Linux partition. However, that doesn't mean you can't take creative detours.

Building a Docker Swarm with the Raspberry Pi

In this article we are going to learn how to install and run Docker on the Raspberry Pi. We are going to use a simple Docker Image as our example that will deliver a JSP page with Tomcat. By the end of the article, we are going to build up a swarm with three Raspberry Pi.

Securing the internet of things

It is inevitable to ignore that the internet of things and their security go hand in hand. Watch Paul Fremantle share insights on the do’s and don’ts of securing the internet of things and making intuitive decisions.

IoT with PlatformIO

Have you already taken your first steps with maker boards like an Arduino and successfully implemented your first projects? The maker hardware and software is sufficient for the first steps in the Internet of Things, but questions arise. Andreas Schmidt will explore these questions and more in this three-part series. First, let’s start with the basics of the technology stack.

Wir bauen eine Mausefalle im Internet der Dinge

Es sind die kleinen Dinge, die uns das Leben leicht oder aber auch schwer machen können. In unserem Fall hat eine kleine Maus für Chaos gesorgt. Sie hat sich dazu entschieden, die günstige Gelegenheit einer offenen Tür zu nutzen, um so ins Haus zu kommen. Sie können sich nicht vorstellen, was eine kleine Maus an einem Sonntagnachmittag alles anstellen kann. Wir beschäftigen uns daher heute mit der modernen und humanen Art der Mäusejagd. Vorweg noch eine Anmerkung: Für diesen Artikel mussten keine Tiere sterben!

Softwareentwicklung im IoT: Container sind die Antwort auf die Probleme in der IoT-Softwareentwicklung

Die Softwareentwicklung für Anwendungen im Internet of Things hat mit zwei Problemen zu kämpfen: Updates auf verteilten Systemen und Hardwarewechsel während des Entwicklungs- prozess. IoTCon-Sprecher Dieter Reuter (Hypriot) erklärt in seinem Talk "Docker opens the Doors for IoT" wie Container diese Probleme lösen können. Im Vorab-Interview erläutert er die Ideen hinter der Technik.